# About me I’m a research scientist at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), working on modeling and assessment of solar energy systems and the solar resource. I work on a broad spectrum of projects, including solar resource assessment (model development, quality control, and validation), PV performance modeling, and testing of solar energy systems. Part of the reason I'm writing this blog is that I'm passionate about open science! This is also why I serve as a core developer of the open-source PV simulation software [pvlib](https://pvlib-python.readthedocs.io/) and develop online educational material including [AssessingSolar.org](https://AssessingSolar.org) and [SolarStations.org](https://SolarStations.org). Additionally, I am also the station manager for the solar radiation measurement station in Copenhagen. The station is one of two places in Denmark where all three irradiance components are measured. ## Education * Ph.D. candidate, Technical University of Denmark, 2019-2022 * M.Sc. in Sustainable Energy, Technical University of Denmark, 2016-2018 * B.A.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Aarhus University, 2013-2016